Camp Education Packet
Dear Educator,
In this day of high tech toys and easy travel, one would think that it would be an easy matter to educate our youth. But we, as educators, know this is far from the truth. So great a problem has been caused by the advent of new ideas and technologies that the simple practice of teaching our students has become a task for giants to undertake.
You may ask why any organization would undertake this task. We, the North Carolina Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, feel it is important that you have the needed tools. The NC SCV Education Committee has prepared teaching materials for use by our teachers and the following are enclosed.
• Handouts for your students inviting them to participate in a statewide essay contest.
• A list of possible lesson plans (which follow the state guidelines) to help you during your presentation of the history of 1861-65.
Thank you for your time and your energy as a teacher.
COMPLETE PACKAGE (1.88 MB) Requires Adobe Reader
Camp Instruction Letter (76 KB) Requires Adobe Reader
Essay Contest Announcement (71 KB) Requires Adobe Reader
Essay Contest Instructions (76 KB) Requires Adobe Reader
Classroom Mentor (81 KB) Requires Adobe Reader
Letter to Educators (50 KB) Requires Adobe Reader
Lesson Plan (735 KB) Requires Adobe Reader Student Handout
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