Index to Confederate Issues
A. Proper uses of the “Confederate flag”
- The difference in Confederate flags.
- Flying a Confederate flag for Confederate Memorial Day?
- A symbol of oppression and slavery?
- A symbol of bigotry and racism?
- During The Civil War, did North Carolina have another flag?
B. Issues surrounding The War Between the States (WBTS)
- Wasn’t the WBTS really a civil war?
- Wasn’t WBTS fought to end slavery?
- Didn’t most North Carolinians own slaves before the war?
- Did any African Americans fight for the Confederacy?
- Why would African Americans serve the Confederacy?
- Wasn’t secession an illegal act?
- Why secession – Ordinance?
- Why secession – Proclamation?
C. Honoring our Confederate veterans
- Why is it important to honor Confederate veterans?
- Should they be honored with other U.S. veterans?
- How can you honor people who were traitors to their country?
- Why is May 10th Confederate Memorial Day?
D. About The Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV)